Andrew Peña

Andrew Peña is a talented real estate agent with a strong background in photography. With over six years of experience in the field, he has won several STLP state championship awards for photo contests and has even had his own gallery of work displayed as a featured artist several times at the Downing Museum in Bowling Green. Originally from Pasadena, CA, Andrew's family moved to Bowling Green when he was young, where he would later attend Warren Central High School and graduate from Greenwood High School. Andrew is an avid car enthusiast, a well-versed photographer, loves traveling, and having new experiences! Some of Andrew's wildest experiences happened while filming his "LIONMODE" travel video. Words that he holds near to himself are: "For God didn't give us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7. When Andrew hits plateau while working he reflects on his "Why" which pushes him to endure. His biggest fear is reflecting on life when he's older and not being able to say that he lived the life he desired. Andrew is currently focused on strengthening his relationship with Christ, building his career as a real estate agent, and building relationships both personal and business.

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